Round 1 Call for Proposals Deadline Extension

by | Jun 12, 2020 | SGCItoday

Dear SGCI Community,
Since we launched the Call for Proposals for Providence, we have witnessed an enormous shift in our nation’s perspective. We have seen many of you taking to the streets, and to your printing presses, to work for change. We are thrilled to see this movement taking shape, and we pledge to be part of it as we move forward collectively. In light of this, we are extending the Call for Proposals deadline to a later date (yet to be determined). For those of you who have already applied, you can log into your SGCI Dashboard and continue to edit your proposal, if you so choose. 

We encourage each of you to include a diversity of perspectives in your proposals. Please know that this does not reflect a lack of faith in your curatorial skills but rather our commitment to building a more equitable art community. As the SGCI Executive Board meets in the upcoming weeks, we will be developing tangible and sustainable ways to better serve the historically underrepresented voices in our organization. With your help, we will make our next conference the most meaningful yet. 

Learn more and submit your proposals here. We will follow up soon with a new deadline and timeline.

Thank you,
The SGCI Executive Board and the Providence Steering Committee

Round 1 Call for Participation
New Deadline To Be Announced
Lead a panel, themed portfolio, demonstration, inkubator, pop-up exhibition, or special event.

The Round 1 Call for Participation is for members who are interested in leading an event, such as a panel, themed portfolio, demonstration, pop-up exhibition, etc. To present as broad and diverse a program as possible, we welcome submissions from emerging artists, students, professionals, and independent artists.

Please use the online forms to submit your files to the Steering Committee’s jury. Learn more about leading an event here.

Dates & Location
April 7–10, 2021, Providence, Rhode Island
Rhode Island Convention Center & the Omni Providence Hotel

Find Out More!
Are you interested in attending as a participant? Considering bringing a student group? Sign up for our email list.