DEIA Subcommittee is looking for members

Dear SGCI Members, We are establishing an exciting new subcommittee focusing on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility, and we are seeking members to join and contribute their voices.  We aim to ensure that all members feel included, heard, and...

Letter from SGCI’s President

Dear SGC International Membership, I want to thank the 2022-2025 board members for the opportunity to lead this organization.  I also want to assure you that our board is committed to the success and growth of this long-standing organization. We have had many...

2023 SGCI Awards

Congratulations to our 2023 Awardees! 2023 SGCI Mid-Career Printmaker AwardeeEricka Walker received a BS from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and an MFA from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. She lives and works in Nova Scotia, Canada, where she is an...

How you can support Puerto Rico’s hurricane recovery

How you can support Puerto Rico’s hurricane recovery

Our colleagues in Puerto Rico provided the list below as suggestions on where to donate for direct relief. Thank you very much for any level of generosity! --SGCI Board Hello Dear Friends, We have scouted for efficient and trustworthy organizations working where they...

SGCI Restructuring Vote Results

SGCI Restructuring Vote Results

The SGCI Board is pleased to announce results from the Restructuring Proposal that was emailed to members in mid-September 2021. Voting closed on October 4, 2021.  All three restructuring measures were passed overwhelmingly.  Many thanks to each of you who...

Introducing… Make Way2021 Awardee Virtual Exhibition

Introducing… Make Way

2021 Awardee Virtual Exhibition

“When I view the work and read the statements by this year’s awardees, a cautious hope also pervades. Make Way is an exhibition of work by these artists that identifies them as harbingers and heralds of progress.” ~ Blake Sanders, Web Curator View the exhibition here,...

MakeReady Registration Extended!

MakeReady Registration Extended!

We're keeping registration open until we fill the final spots: get registered today! The only cost to register is membership: $35 / $15 for students! MakeReady will be heldthis weekend on April 10th and 11th, 2021 The Virtual Event registration is FREE with a Tier 2+...

A MakeReady Poster for Your Printshop!

A MakeReady Poster for Your Printshop!

Thank you to Sophie Loubere, a graduate student at UW Madison, for creating this MakeReady poster for SGCI! Download the files here for printing and posting in your printshop! Sophie is a Master of Fine Arts Candidate at the University of Wisconsin Madison,...