Opportunities Submission Form

Thank you for purchasing a posting! Please complete the form using the instructions below. After submission, it will take about 24 hours before it appears on our Opportunities page. If you are logged into the dashboard, you should also be able to edit your listing, even after posting

FIRST, you must log in to the dashboard. If you are not a member, Log in here using these credentials:
email: help@sgcinternational.org
password: opportunities!

Once logged in, come back to this window and refresh.

If you have any issues submitting this form after following the steps above, please email us at help@sgcinternational.org.

Event category: select Opportunities
Event title: Your opportunity
Start: add today’s date, or the event starting date (the posting will go live if the event is in the future)
End: ending date (this is when your listing will expire)
Link to external event page: url, optional
Place/location: list location or “online”
Event address: address or leave blank if online
Image: Please upload an image, even if a photo of your university
Description of your event: more information about your opportunity
Save and Continue–You’re all done!
