Dear SGC International Members,
SGC International is seeking nominations/self-nominations to fill a number of openings and new positions on the 2020-2022 Executive Board and Subcommittees. Terms begin in the fall of 2020 and end in March of 2022; learn more here. We seek nominees who reflect the philosophic, geographic, institutional, racial, and gender diversity of our membership.
The call for nominations will only proceed on the proviso we have a pool with 40% of applicants identifying as Black, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, Persons of Color, Latinx, Women, or Persons with a Disability. We hope you will consider nominating yourself or your colleagues for these important leadership roles.
All SGCI Members in good standing are invited to nominate/self-nominate. Submission forms are now available online, with a deadline of November 15th. You can also learn more here, or contact Kate McQuillen or Faisal Abdu’Allah
Thank you,

Faisal Abdu’Allah