2025 SGCI Awards

Student Award Nomination Application:

This form should be completed by the student’s professor, mentor, or supervisor. Kindly inform the student that you are nominating them, and collaborate with them to fill out the form.

Emerging Printmaker, Excellence in Teaching, Mid-Career Award Nomination Application:

You may nominate yourself or another individual. If nominating someone else, please inform them of your nomination and collaborate with them to complete the form.


Nomination Application Deadline: July 21, 2024

August 1: Finalists Selected 

August 5-September 5-Voting by Membership (Emerging Printmaker, Mid-Career, & Excellence in Teaching)  

October 10: All Awardees notified

Questions? Email help@sgcinternational.org

Student Fellowship Award Nomination Form directly below

Skip to Excellence in Teaching Award Nomination Form
Skip to Emerging Printmaker Award Nomination Form
Skip to Mid-Career Artist Award Nomination Form