2020 Strategic Plan
Image credit: Kimiko Miyoshi, “from here to there: scotch tape test,” 2015, lithograph, on Rives BFK white paper, 13” x 10.5”, view more works online.Presented to the SGC International Membership for review May 1, 2020, and unanimously approved by the membership on May 25th, 2020.
Revised December 17, 2019 – April 24, 2020 by Faisal Abdu’Allah, Charles Beneke, Valerie Dibble, Sarah Ellis, John Paul McCaughey, Kate McQuillen, Margot Myers, Eliana Rodriguez, R.L. Tillman, and Sangmi Yoo. Approved by the SGCI Executive Board April 24, 2020.
SGC International Mission
The mission of this organization shall be to advance the professional standing of persons engaged in making original prints and drawings and to stimulate public appreciation and interest in the arts of printmaking, drawing, and other graphic media through the exchange of professional information among artists and others involved these arts; through the organization, display and circulation of exhibitions of prints and drawings by members and other artists to be shown in educational institutions and institutions which further the arts, for the purposes of study, research, enjoyment, and the advancement of these arts; through awards given to these deserving special recognition in these arts; and through publications to inform members and others of activities and other information deemed appropriate to the aforesaid purposes.
SGC International Executive Board
- Seek legal advice on the location of SGCI’s charter and need for a Charter State Member-At-Large
- Explore the addition of a second International Representative as a voting board member with the ideal that each International Representative represent distinct global constituencies.
- Explore the addition of a second Student Representative as a voting board member for a total of two Student Representatives: one being an undergraduate student for the majority of their term and one being a graduate student for the majority of their term.
- Reduce barriers, financial and otherwise, for participation in leadership on the SGCI Executive Board.
Space: Inclusivity & Intersectionality in Action
Space is generated by the fundamental principle of mandating a culturally responsive framework that creates space for all through the cultural kaleidoscope created by welcoming intersectionality and inclusive perspectives. Space is where alterity, diverse ways of seeing, and freedom of expression provide an appropriate testbed to educate and influence artists, students, and professionals beyond the boundaries of the organization. To realize the profound potential of Space, SGCI must insure that inclusivity and intersectionality are reflected in:
- The Executive Board composition,
- Leadership (board) programming, and
- Membership participation and engagement.
Access and Inclusivity
- Focus efforts and resources upon actions that eliminate barriers.
- Ensure ADA accessibility to all conference events.
- Develop regional conference/meet-up opportunities to reduce geographic limitations for participation.
- Seek program support opportunities to fund a development officer to work on long-term financial planning, building endowments, writing grants, etc.
- Develop internal fundraising opportunities: support a student, member funded residencies, etc.
- Develop external fundraising opportunities.
- Cultivate donors participation in the organization.
Member Opportunities
- Develop new member opportunities.
- Facilitate residency opportunities for members.
- Research vendor discounts for SGCI members.
- Develop relationships with other organizations to create benefits to SGCI members
- Reciprocity with partner organizations including partnerships in conference regions
- Develop reduced rate opportunities for active members of SGCI
- Develop affiliations with International organizations.
- Develop new revenue streams to fund student initiatives.
- Create additional conference programming opportunities for student organized projects/events.
- Develop a directory of internships, residences, and grants/scholarship opportunities for students and emerging/young professionals.
- Create new opportunities for students to engage with each other beyond the conference.
Website and Social Media
- Relaunch Graphic Impressions as an online journal with a distinct design identity from SGCI’s homepage.
- Develop a SGCI Youtube channel for programming documentation and user-generated content.
- Research the viability of a SGCI podcast or partnerships with existing podcasts.
- Present events that best serve and engage our membership (survey and identify needs)
- Leverage unique qualities of site communities to create conference specific programming.
- Identify area partners to support conferences – specifically students attendees.
- Feature programming focused upon current discourse in print theory, practice, and relevant events.
- Develop surveys to be distributed on the Sunday after the closing events to inform the board on the effectiveness of conferences meeting SGCI’s aspirations.
- Plan the Vendor, Product & Publisher Fair or similar opportunities to occur concurrently with the Open Portfolio to ensure general public access.
- Recruit of vendors from conference site community, regional industry, and international companies who are producing niche products, specialty tools or unique services.
- Expand the definition of vendors to include a broader range or related fields: commercial screenprinting, signage, tools and materials, industrial design, software companies, etc
- Encourage vendor mentoring of students to assist students in development of professional practice.
- Create a more integrated relationship between SGCI and vendors through increased co-sponsorship of events (vendor awards and subsequent exhibitions).