Fundraising Kit
Your Guide to Raising Funds for SGCI 2020: Puertográfico
We’d love to see you in Puerto Rico next spring! We’ve put together this kit to help you understand costs for student members, and lend ideas for how to raise funds to make it possible for students to travel to this incredible island–no passport needed! Click here for a printable version.
Unique Learning Opportunities at SGCI 2020
Student critiques: small groups of student-led crits
Juried exhibitions: part of the new Open Portfolio Exhibitions
Three-Minute Thesis: for selected grad students
Community service: facilitated by the Puerto Rico Steering Committee
Travel experience: exposure to a different culture within the US jurisdiction:
a unique blend of languages, traditions and enlivened heritage
Sample Budget for Students

Tips on How to Save
Register early: Our Early Bird rates are significantly less. Early Bird rates close in December!
Hotel: This year, if we meet our room block, we pledge to give a $25 registration rebate to students who stay at the hotel. Access the SGCI group rate by booking through this link on our website. Up to four people can share a room!
Airfare: SGCI is working on group fares! Please sign up for our mailing list to be sure you hear announcements about group discounts, and fill out this form to help us collect data!
Rise and shine: Stay at the hotel to be sure you arrive each morning in time for our continental breakfast spreads.
Offset your costs: Participate in our Open Portfolio and sell your wares! Sign up during Online Registration for $10–$20.
Grants and awards for students: Apply for a Student Fellowship Award, or the new Open Portfolio Exhibitions SGCI Student Curator position (receiving a $500 honorarium).
Hold group fundraisers throughout the year. See ideas below!
Consider an Institutional Membership:** Does your institution have funding for an Institutional Membership? We recently began offering packages for Institutions, their faculty, and students. Visit this page on our website to learn about ways for institutions to be a part of SGCI and our annual conferences. Support SGCI and see your institution’s reach with our organization grow!
Volunteer Learning: Does your school offer grants for community based learning and service? Consider donating your time in Puerto Rico! Our local Steering Committee has identified a number of organizations close to the conference that will accept short -term, English-speaking volunteers. If you or your students are interested in community service, contact us and we will give you suggestions on organizations that might be a fit for you. While SGCI is not able to directly oversee these exchanges, we will be happy to help put you in contact. Please inquire directly with your institution about grants for community based learning and service.
Hold group fundraisers throughout the year!
Ideas for sales:

Sample success story
ll that, they still kept roughly $1200 put away as startup money for next year!
Suggestions for how to handle cash:
Ask to have a university account set up where you are a recognized organization. Don’t have any type of organizational banking on campus? Have the Department Chair keep a lockbox of money in their office that can serve as the vault for student org funds.
Helpful hints:
***Save every useful scrap of paper for those kind of sales to keep overhead low***
***Schedule Production Nights a few times a week for students to work together! ***

Fundraiser Sale Overhead and Sale Outcomes

September: Registration rates announced!
Fundraising Opportunity: Halloween Sale
December: Student Fellowship Applications due
Early Bird Registration closes! Take advantage of our best rates!
Fundraising Opportunity: Holiday Sale
Fundraising Opportunity: Valentine’s Day Sale
April 1-4, 2020: Puertográfico!
Puertográfico Mission Statement
Puertográfico 2020 is an exciting opportunity for the SGC International members to connect with Puerto Rican artists, explore our shared passion for printmaking, learn from each other, and celebrate Puerto Rico’s incredible printmaking tradition. As one vibrant, diverse community we will share in a four day SGCI extravaganza with unexpected twists to familiar programming and engaging new events creating a memorable experience for all. We will explore Puerto Rican culture & history, learn through Puerto Rico’s graphic tradition of its inspiring fight for democracy, offer opportunities to volunteer in communities or offer assistance with hurricane relief, and so much more. SGC International’s vision for this meeting of cultures is to educate our membership on the complexity of the Puerto Rico/US relationship, create a platform for mutual understanding, foster future artistic collaborations, and build lasting friendships. This is no tropical vacation; Puertográfico 2020 will be an adventure for all!